CLO-i brings you information on every aspect of the cashflow CLO market.
Utilising data drawn from over 35,000 trustee reports and covering over 1200 CLOs across the US and Europe, subscribers to CLO-i can:
analyse CLO test results, tranche information and ratings historically
search CLO portfolios for specific issuer level data, or view CLO transactions and loan trading prices
view equity payments and annualised distributions
download all data to Excel, or download original trustee reports, payment reports and indentures
Subscribers can also view CLO secondary trading information through the b-wic tracker, and also keep track on recent CLO pricings and forthcoming deals.
With subscribers across every aspect of the CLO industry, including managers, investors, traders and regulators, you cannot afford to not subscribe to CLO-i.
To organise a demonstration please go to Contact Us or email
EMEA/ Asia: william.brayshaw@acuris.com or call +44 20 3741 1090
USA: jason.papper@acuris.com or call +1 212 686 5066
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Current subscribers can log in here.
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you may request a DEMONSTRATION by clicking here
A subscription to CLO-i gives you:
- Current and historic access to CLO performance data
- CLO secondary trading information
- Leveraged loan trading information and pricing
- Information on forthcoming and recent CLO pricings
- Creditflux manager, arranger and service provider rankings
To find out more about CLO-i, please see the About CLO-i page.
Only subscribers can download data to excel.
Click here to SUBSCRIBE NOW
A subscription to CLO-i gives you:
- Current and historic access to CLO performance data
- CLO secondary trading information
- Leveraged loan trading information and pricing
- Information on forthcoming and recent CLO pricings
- Creditflux manager, arranger and service provider rankings
To find out more about CLO-i, please see the About CLO-i page.